Claro que se puede. La
cuestión es: si se quiere. Cualquier organización puede mejorar si se lo
propone. Todo es cuestión de implantar una cultura organizacional de mejora
continua. Caminar hacia la excelencia: organizativa y profesional.
Lo que sorprende, es
que aún domine en el ambiente una idiosincrasia de que así son las cosas: como
si existiera una ley sobre la apatía y la falta de proactividad en el ámbito de
las organizaciones, y de todo un territorio.
Han pasado demasiados
años sin que hayamos superado una crisis que ha debilitado nuestro tejido
productivo y empobrecido a una gran mayoría de la ciudadanía. En pocos años se
han diagnosticado nuestras grandes carencias democráticas, empresariales y
No es casualidad que
nos encontremos en la grave situación socio-política-económica; durante los
últimos veinte años hemos mirado para otro lado y nos hemos creído que
avanzábamos correctamente en todos los aspectos.
Observo, analizo, y
hago un diagnóstico, con la mirada y el pensamiento, de un español que intenta
poner un grano de arena en la mejora de España: de su tejido productivo y
social. Con la experiencia y el conocimiento de un experto en estrategia
organizacional, en mejorar el rendimiento de las organizaciones a través de la
mejora de las actitudes de las personas que las conforman.
Durante años he escrito
centenares de artículos sobre management, recursos humanos, y de sociedad en
general. He tratado sobre algunos de los personajes que considero más tóxicos
para el buen funcionamiento de un territorio, de una organización de todo tipo.
Que le puedo decir,
apreciado lector, del gran daño que han causado en los años del “todo vale” de
los TRIUNFAORES: personajes sin escrúpulos que hundieron empresas, y engañaron
a diestro y siniestro, con el beneplácito de la admiración colectiva.
Llamábamos triunfador a un golfo, dejando los valores y comportamientos de cómo
llegó a la cima, a un lado.
Tengo simpatía por los
CUENTACUENTOS. ¡Cuántas motos vendieron! En las organizaciones políticas
alcanzaron grandes cuotas de poder. Es lo que ahora llaman algunos politólogos:
elaborar el relato. A muchos empresarios dejaron en la ruina total con el
cuento de: compra por cinco que venderás por cincuenta.
La fauna de perfiles y
personales tóxicos, causantes, desde mi punto de vista, de gran parte del
empobrecimiento colectivo en el que nos encontramos, es amplia.
Quiero añadir a la
lista de empobrecedores colectivos,
a un personaje que seguro usted ha conocido alguno. El “ENDIOSADO”, ha causado
grandes pérdidas a todo tipo de organizaciones. Es un perfil para tesis
doctoral. Un personaje: mitad humano, y mitad celestial. Intocable.
No caminan, levitan.
Conocedores de todo lo conocido y por conocer: auténticos gurús de las tramas
del entramado.
Afortunadamente, y por
el bien de todos: de excelentes empresarios, políticos, y ciudadanía en
general; estamos desmaquillando a estos personajillos que han vivido del
engaño, las apariencias, y la golfería.
No necesitamos
reinventarnos; los españoles de bien, debemos comprometernos en fortalecer
nuestra Democracia, con comportamientos y valores constructivos del bien común;
reorganizar nuestro tejido productivo para posicionarlo donde le corresponde
internacionalmente; y pongamos en valor el MÉRITO y la VALÍA, para que crear
auténticos espacios de innovación.
Of course it can. The question is: if you want. Any organization can improve if he tries. Everything is a matter of implementing an organizational culture of continuous improvement. Walking towards excellence: Organizational and professional.
What is surprising, is that still dominates the atmosphere an idiosyncrasy that the way things are: as if there is a law on the apathy and lack of proactivity in the field of organizations, and available everywhere.
Too many years have passed without us having overcome a crisis that has weakened our productive fabric and impoverished a large majority of citizens. In a few years they have diagnosed our great democratic, business and economic deprivation.
It is no coincidence that we are in the serious socio-political-economic situation; over the last twenty years we have looked the other way and we have believed that we proceeded correctly in all respects.
I observe, analyze, and make a diagnosis, eyes and thought of a Spanish trying to put a grain of sand in improving Spain: their productive and social fabric. With the experience and knowledge of an expert in organizational strategy, improving the performance of organizations through improving the attitudes of the people who comprise it.
For years I have written hundreds of articles on management, human resources, and society in general. I tried on some of the characters that I consider most toxic to the proper functioning of a territory, an organization of all kinds.
That I can tell you, valued reader, the great damage they have caused in the years of "anything goes" of TRIUNFAORES: unscrupulous characters who sank companies, and cheated right and left, with the approval of the collective admiration. Achiever called a gulf, leaving the values and behaviors of how he got to the top, to the side.
I have sympathy for the storytellers. How many bikes sold! In political organizations they reached large share of power. It is what some political scientists call now: to develop the story. Many entrepreneurs left in total ruin with the story: purchase sell her for fifty five.
Wildlife personal profiles and toxic, causing, in my view, much of the collective impoverishment in which we find ourselves, is wide.
I want to add to the list of groups impoverishing, a character that you've known some insurance. The "deified" has caused great losses to all types of organizations. It is a profile for doctoral thesis. A character: half human and half heavenly. Untouchable.
They do not walk, levitate. Cognizant of everything known and unknown: genuine gurus truss frames.
Fortunately, for the sake of all excellent businessmen, politicians, and citizens in general; We are desmaquillando these little characters who have lived deceit, appearances, and ragamuffins.
No need to reinvent ourselves; Spanish well, we must commit ourselves to strengthen our democracy, constructive behaviors and values of the common good; reorganize our production to position it where it belongs internationally; and put in value the merit and worth, to create authentic spaces for innovation.
Of course it can. The question is: if you want. Any organization can improve if he tries. Everything is a matter of implementing an organizational culture of continuous improvement. Walking towards excellence: Organizational and professional.
What is surprising, is that still dominates the atmosphere an idiosyncrasy that the way things are: as if there is a law on the apathy and lack of proactivity in the field of organizations, and available everywhere.
Too many years have passed without us having overcome a crisis that has weakened our productive fabric and impoverished a large majority of citizens. In a few years they have diagnosed our great democratic, business and economic deprivation.
It is no coincidence that we are in the serious socio-political-economic situation; over the last twenty years we have looked the other way and we have believed that we proceeded correctly in all respects.
I observe, analyze, and make a diagnosis, eyes and thought of a Spanish trying to put a grain of sand in improving Spain: their productive and social fabric. With the experience and knowledge of an expert in organizational strategy, improving the performance of organizations through improving the attitudes of the people who comprise it.
For years I have written hundreds of articles on management, human resources, and society in general. I tried on some of the characters that I consider most toxic to the proper functioning of a territory, an organization of all kinds.
That I can tell you, valued reader, the great damage they have caused in the years of "anything goes" of TRIUNFAORES: unscrupulous characters who sank companies, and cheated right and left, with the approval of the collective admiration. Achiever called a gulf, leaving the values and behaviors of how he got to the top, to the side.
I have sympathy for the storytellers. How many bikes sold! In political organizations they reached large share of power. It is what some political scientists call now: to develop the story. Many entrepreneurs left in total ruin with the story: purchase sell her for fifty five.
Wildlife personal profiles and toxic, causing, in my view, much of the collective impoverishment in which we find ourselves, is wide.
I want to add to the list of groups impoverishing, a character that you've known some insurance. The "deified" has caused great losses to all types of organizations. It is a profile for doctoral thesis. A character: half human and half heavenly. Untouchable.
They do not walk, levitate. Cognizant of everything known and unknown: genuine gurus truss frames.
Fortunately, for the sake of all excellent businessmen, politicians, and citizens in general; We are desmaquillando these little characters who have lived deceit, appearances, and ragamuffins.
No need to reinvent ourselves; Spanish well, we must commit ourselves to strengthen our democracy, constructive behaviors and values of the common good; reorganize our production to position it where it belongs internationally; and put in value the merit and worth, to create authentic spaces for innovation.
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