a desmaquilla, a hacer un poco más transparente lo que tan inteligentemente
camuflan los expertos en marketing; empeñados en vendernos una imagen
corporativa de empresas cumplidoras con la responsabilidad social que asumen,
hagamos de esteticién.
que la misión por excelencia de toda empresa, es dar un servicio a la sociedad,
tal que mejore la calidad de vida en general. Las sociedades modernas,
afortunadamente, han avanzado y profundizado mucho, en exigir a todas las
empresas de todo tipo y dimensión, un comportamiento coherente con los valores
sociales y democráticos.
ciudadanos, que somos todos, no nos conformamos con adquirir un determinado
producto, cuya calidad-precio sea muy beneficioso para nuestro bolsillo, nos
interesa saber su nacimiento, conocer su historia personal, lo que últimamente
escuchamos como “productos con trazabilidad”.
fin nos justifica los medios; por mucho que quieran optimizar el rendimiento
organizacional, lo cual es loable; las empresas no deben utilizar artimañas, y
de todo tipo de estrategias incoherentes con una imagen maquillada de:
saludables, comprometidas, solidarias…
mi punto de vista, como consultor, es contraproducente y muy perjudicial, a
medio y largo plazo, para la imagen de una empresa y del sector empresarial al
que pertenece, pretender vender gato por liebre, querer dar una imagen
idealizada que no tiene nada que ver con la realidad.
mercados no quieren virtualidad, quieren transparencia, la cual lógicamente
necesita una GERENCIA CON ÉTICA demostrable.
es fácil, lo difícil, y para ello hay herramientas estratégicas y profesionales
que sabemos utilizarlas, es embellecer con naturalidad y con intencionalidad,
la realidad tangible.
ética no es abstracta como a muchos les gustaría; la ética es acción diaria, es
comportamiento coherente con principios democráticos y sociales. La ética en
una organización está en el equipo directivo, en la gerencia, y en los
trabajadores que la integran.
Posts to remove make-up , to do a little more transparent so cleverly camouflaged what marketing experts , determined to sell us a corporate image compliant companies to assume social responsibility , let the beautician .
They say that the ultimate mission of any company is providing a service to society that improves the quality of life in general. Modern societies , fortunately , have advanced and deepened much, requiring all enterprises of all types and size , a behavior consistent with social and democratic values .
The citizens, who are all, settle nonos purchase a particular product, the money is very good for our pockets , we need to know your birth, knowing his personal history , which lately heard as " products with traceability " .
The end justifies the means us , however much they want to optimize organizational performance , which is laudable , companies should not use tricks , and all kinds of strategies inconsistent with makeup image of : healthy, engaged , supportive ...
From my point of view , as a consultant, is counterproductive and very damaging , medium and long term for the image of a company and the business sector to which it belongs , trying to sell the wool , wanting to give an idealized image that has nothing to do with reality.
Markets do not want to virtuality , want transparency , which obviously needs a demonstrable MANAGEMENT WITH ETHICS .
Makeup is easy, the hard , and this requires strategic tools we use professionals , is embellished with natural and intentionality , tangible reality .
Ethics is not abstract as many would like , ethics is daily action is behavior consistent with social democratic principles . Ethics in an organization is in the management team , in management, and workers within it.
Posts to remove make-up , to do a little more transparent so cleverly camouflaged what marketing experts , determined to sell us a corporate image compliant companies to assume social responsibility , let the beautician .
They say that the ultimate mission of any company is providing a service to society that improves the quality of life in general. Modern societies , fortunately , have advanced and deepened much, requiring all enterprises of all types and size , a behavior consistent with social and democratic values .
The citizens, who are all, settle nonos purchase a particular product, the money is very good for our pockets , we need to know your birth, knowing his personal history , which lately heard as " products with traceability " .
The end justifies the means us , however much they want to optimize organizational performance , which is laudable , companies should not use tricks , and all kinds of strategies inconsistent with makeup image of : healthy, engaged , supportive ...
From my point of view , as a consultant, is counterproductive and very damaging , medium and long term for the image of a company and the business sector to which it belongs , trying to sell the wool , wanting to give an idealized image that has nothing to do with reality.
Markets do not want to virtuality , want transparency , which obviously needs a demonstrable MANAGEMENT WITH ETHICS .
Makeup is easy, the hard , and this requires strategic tools we use professionals , is embellished with natural and intentionality , tangible reality .
Ethics is not abstract as many would like , ethics is daily action is behavior consistent with social democratic principles . Ethics in an organization is in the management team , in management, and workers within it.