Ya sabe usted que no pretendo dar lecciones sobre management y liderazgo, sobre optimización del rendimiento organizacional, sobre comunicación interna, etc. Mi intencionalidad al escribir este y otros textos es la de hacerle reflexionar sobre algunas cuestiones, conceptos, circunstancias y vivencias del día a día laboral, empresarial y profesional, que le puedan ayudar a mejorar sus planteamientos y enfoques organizativos, empresariales y laborales.
crea que cuando hablo de estrategia me refiero al concepto que en estos últimos
años han utilizado, egocéntricamente, demasiados profesionales del ámbito de la
gestión y la dirección empresarial. Ni se preocupe si al acabar de leer el
texto usted es consciente de que ha actuado como uno de ellos. Lo importante es
re-organizarse lo antes posible; como se suele decir: “más vale tarde que
nunca”; aunque en estos tiempos, el tiempo cuesta mucho y es difícil
considera usted un “mimético”? He escrito algún texto sobre este colectivo de
estrategas de salón, cuyo único objetivo es el beneficio propio y el de alguno
de sus simpáticos ayudantes y colaboradores externos, que juntos hilan la
madeja del maquillaje corporativo, y que triste y lamentablemente han situado a
las empresas que dirigen en una posición de debilidad corporativa, de quiebra
estratega en el ámbito de las organizaciones empresariales trabaja para la
colectividad de la organización que dirige, bajo parámetros de una ética
profesional que garantice el beneficio en la cuenta de resultados. El Sr. Ramón
Adell (Presidente de la
Asociación Española de Directivos) declaró en un medio de
comunicación: es necesaria una mayor formación en ética y valores.
miméticos no son transparentes, cambian de color, de forma y, llegado el momento,
de olor. Hay que reconocerles un cierto arte del camuflaje, de la picaresca
mediterránea. Construyen su discurso con las palabras “que tocan”, según su
estrategia para esconder realidades negativas de una pésima gestión
empresarial, de un estilo de dirección y liderazgo enfermizo, contraproducente
y causante de grandes pérdidas económicas.
puede preguntarse: ¿dónde está el mimético? ¿Está en mi empresa? ¿Es un
compañero del equipo directivo? ¿Soy yo uno de ellos y no me identifico? En
estos últimos tiempos de bonanzas económicas, de proyecciones astrales, era
difícil identificarles. Todo iba bien, todo se justificaba, todo se maquillaba:
que la Junta Rectora
de la Cooperativa ,
la Junta de
Accionistas de la Sociedad ,
conozca la realidad virtual, que escuchen lo que quieren escuchar y vean lo que
quieren ver, ésta es la máxima y el principio de todo comportamiento y acción
profesional de un mimético.
he de decirle que no me interesan los miméticos; desde el punto de vista
personal parece que han triunfado, aunque en la trastienda las medallas sean de
hojalata. Lo que sí me interesa mucho, desde un enfoque de mejora organizativa,
profesional y empresarial, es desmaquillar a este tipo de profesionales que
tanto daño causan a las empresas que gestionan y dirigen, por sus actitudes,
comportamientos y decisiones perjudiciales para la salud corporativa, en su
empresas enfermas no sólo lo están en el aspecto económico, sino que también lo
están en el humano, afectando a la salud de muchos trabajadores, generando
pérdidas por absentismo, bajo rendimiento y una mala imagen corporativa.
reorganización estratégica deben llevarla a cabo en primer lugar los
profesionales del equipo directivo, para posteriormente ponerla en marcha en toda
la organización, con la participación de la Junta Rectora (en el
caso de una cooperativa), o de la
Junta de Accionistas (en el caso de una sociedad). Es muy
importante para garantizar el éxito de la estrategia corporativa que todos
estén y se sientan involucrados en la re-organización de la empresa.
que sabemos lo poco rentables y peligrosos que son los miméticos, deberíamos de
trabajar para detectarlos y adoptar medidas personalizadas, siempre bajo el
criterio de una ética profesional y empresarial, y con las miras puestas en la
colectividad, en el gran beneficio que genera una empresa estratégicamente
organizada, dirigida y gestionada.
mercados internacionales, la competitividad, la inestabilidad financiera, están
desmaquillando a muchos profesionales que han vivido (a cuerpo de rey), señores
del reino del buen vivir; sin perjuicios de sus egocéntricos comportamientos
a organizar estratégicamente las empresas es, desde mi punto de vista
profesional, urgente y necesario para afrontar las circunstancias adversas en
las que estamos inmersos. La estrategia comienza con uno mismo, para darse y
servir a los demás. Es necesario, en momentos de tensión profesional, retomar
la perspectiva de la situación. No hay que viajar a un país exótico, ni
aventurarse a volar en un parapente, ni tantas aventuras que nos quieren
vender; puede usted –y debe– encontrar espacios de reflexión, si es en la
naturaleza mucho mejor, y reorganizar sus planteamientos gerenciales,
manteniendo todo lo que ha funcionado y corrigiendo los errores que halla
asegurarse el éxito de la reorganización trabajando día a día en el cambio de
cultura empresarial y profesional que quiere implantar en la empresa que
dirige, sin prisas pero sin pausas; poco a poco, asentando los principios del
nuevo estilo de dirección que usted va a poner en marcha con su ejemplo de
liderazgo colectivo, siendo un LÍDER SERVIDOR.
Aprenda usted el oficio de servir y tendrá garantizado el
éxito como gestor de integración del equipo que dirige; generando una cultura
de empresa basada en la colaboración, en el compromiso laboral, en la
proactividad profesional, en la EXCELENCIA LABORAL.
You know I do not pretend to give lessons on management and leadership on organizational performance optimization on internal communication, etc.. My intention in writing this and other texts is to make you think about some issues, concepts, circumstances and experiences of everyday labor, business and professional, who can help them improve their approaches and organizational approaches, business and labor.
Do not think that when I talk about strategy I mean the concept that in recent years have used, egocentric, too many professionals in the field of management and business management. Not to worry if you finish reading the text you are aware that it has acted as one of them. The important thing is to re-organize as soon as possible, as they say, "better late than never", but in these times, and costs much time is hard to find.
Do you consider yourself a "mimetic"? I've written some text on this group of armchair strategists, whose sole purpose is the benefit of yourself or one of your friendly assistants and external partners, which together make up the skein of spun corporate and sad and unfortunately companies have placed heading into a position of corporate weakness, technical bankruptcy.
A strategist in the field of business organizations for the collective work of that organization, under the parameters of professional ethics to ensure the profit in the income statement. Mr. Ramon Adell (President of the Spanish Association of Directors) said in a media: need more training in ethics and values.
Mimetics are not transparent, change color, shape and, eventually, to smell. We have to recognize a certain art of camouflage, of rogue Mediterranean. Built his speech with the words "playing" as their strategy to hide negative realities of a bad business management, management style and leadership unhealthy, counterproductive and causing great economic losses.
You may wonder: where is the mimetic? Is it in my company? Is it a team mate? Am I one of them and I do not identify? In recent times of economic booms, astral projection, it was difficult to identify them. Everything was fine, everything was justified, all her makeup, that the Governing Board of the Cooperative, the Shareholders of the Company, known virtual reality, to listen to what they want to hear and see what they want to see, this is the maximum and the principle of all professional behavior and a mimetic action.
Honestly I have to say I'm not interested mimetics, from the point of view seems to have succeeded, but in the back are tin medals. What interests me a lot, from the viewpoint of improving organizational, professional and business, is facial to such professionals which cause serious damage to the companies that manage and direct, by their attitudes, behaviors and decisions unhealthy corporate in its entirety.
Ill Companies are not only the economic, but also are in humans, affecting the health of many workers, generating losses for absenteeism, poor performance and poor corporate image.
The strategic reorganization should be performed first professional management team, later to implement it throughout the organization, with the involvement of the Governing Board (in the case of a cooperative), or of the shareholders' meeting (in the case of a company). It is very important to ensure the success of corporate strategy and that everyone feels involved in the re-organization of the company.
Now we know what unprofitable and dangerous are the mimetics, we should work to detect and custom measures provided under the criteria of professional ethics and business, and with an eye toward the community, in the great benefit that generates a company strategically organized, directed and managed.
International markets, competitiveness, financial instability, are desmaquillando many professionals who have lived (a king), lords of the realm of good living, without prejudice to their egocentric behavior management.
Back to strategically organize companies is, from my professional point of view, an urgent need to address the adverse circumstances in which we are immersed. The strategy begins with oneself, to give and serve others. It is necessary in professional tense moments, regain perspective on the situation. No need to travel to an exotic country, or venturing to fly in a glider, and many adventures that we want to sell, you can, and should, find opportunities for reflection, whether in nature much better, and reorganize its management approaches, keeping everything worked and correcting errors is detected.
You can ensure the success of the reorganization working everyday on changing business and professional culture that wants to implement in the company that runs without slowly but surely, little by little, settling the principles of the new management style that you will start with the example of collective leadership, being a servant leader.
Learn the art of serving you and will be guaranteed success as manager of the team led integration, creating a company culture based on collaboration in work commitment, proactivity professional at work excellence.
You know I do not pretend to give lessons on management and leadership on organizational performance optimization on internal communication, etc.. My intention in writing this and other texts is to make you think about some issues, concepts, circumstances and experiences of everyday labor, business and professional, who can help them improve their approaches and organizational approaches, business and labor.
Do not think that when I talk about strategy I mean the concept that in recent years have used, egocentric, too many professionals in the field of management and business management. Not to worry if you finish reading the text you are aware that it has acted as one of them. The important thing is to re-organize as soon as possible, as they say, "better late than never", but in these times, and costs much time is hard to find.
Do you consider yourself a "mimetic"? I've written some text on this group of armchair strategists, whose sole purpose is the benefit of yourself or one of your friendly assistants and external partners, which together make up the skein of spun corporate and sad and unfortunately companies have placed heading into a position of corporate weakness, technical bankruptcy.
A strategist in the field of business organizations for the collective work of that organization, under the parameters of professional ethics to ensure the profit in the income statement. Mr. Ramon Adell (President of the Spanish Association of Directors) said in a media: need more training in ethics and values.
Mimetics are not transparent, change color, shape and, eventually, to smell. We have to recognize a certain art of camouflage, of rogue Mediterranean. Built his speech with the words "playing" as their strategy to hide negative realities of a bad business management, management style and leadership unhealthy, counterproductive and causing great economic losses.
You may wonder: where is the mimetic? Is it in my company? Is it a team mate? Am I one of them and I do not identify? In recent times of economic booms, astral projection, it was difficult to identify them. Everything was fine, everything was justified, all her makeup, that the Governing Board of the Cooperative, the Shareholders of the Company, known virtual reality, to listen to what they want to hear and see what they want to see, this is the maximum and the principle of all professional behavior and a mimetic action.
Honestly I have to say I'm not interested mimetics, from the point of view seems to have succeeded, but in the back are tin medals. What interests me a lot, from the viewpoint of improving organizational, professional and business, is facial to such professionals which cause serious damage to the companies that manage and direct, by their attitudes, behaviors and decisions unhealthy corporate in its entirety.
Ill Companies are not only the economic, but also are in humans, affecting the health of many workers, generating losses for absenteeism, poor performance and poor corporate image.
The strategic reorganization should be performed first professional management team, later to implement it throughout the organization, with the involvement of the Governing Board (in the case of a cooperative), or of the shareholders' meeting (in the case of a company). It is very important to ensure the success of corporate strategy and that everyone feels involved in the re-organization of the company.
Now we know what unprofitable and dangerous are the mimetics, we should work to detect and custom measures provided under the criteria of professional ethics and business, and with an eye toward the community, in the great benefit that generates a company strategically organized, directed and managed.
International markets, competitiveness, financial instability, are desmaquillando many professionals who have lived (a king), lords of the realm of good living, without prejudice to their egocentric behavior management.
Back to strategically organize companies is, from my professional point of view, an urgent need to address the adverse circumstances in which we are immersed. The strategy begins with oneself, to give and serve others. It is necessary in professional tense moments, regain perspective on the situation. No need to travel to an exotic country, or venturing to fly in a glider, and many adventures that we want to sell, you can, and should, find opportunities for reflection, whether in nature much better, and reorganize its management approaches, keeping everything worked and correcting errors is detected.
You can ensure the success of the reorganization working everyday on changing business and professional culture that wants to implement in the company that runs without slowly but surely, little by little, settling the principles of the new management style that you will start with the example of collective leadership, being a servant leader.
Learn the art of serving you and will be guaranteed success as manager of the team led integration, creating a company culture based on collaboration in work commitment, proactivity professional at work excellence.
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